yesh it happened again....
i failed to post my thailand trip...
im just so darn darn BUSY!!!!!!!!
taking up 2 jobs currently...
which means im gonna be a pretty rich lady by the end of tis mth
mei mei n i have been addicted to Rich 4 currently... n we tried downloading lotz of version online...
so somehow my comp got coruppted n now are having problems wif the connection for skype n msn... i could not even go hotmail to check my mail at all...
hey jessical, hope u'll see tis...
i can't send u email as well...tons of stuff wanted to tell u...but i guess it better not update u here... hehheh
undate mi anyting thru sms or can give mi a miss call ya...
so er zhi...
sorri ar, u won't be able to see mi online recently...
n also to mr u know hu...
can't skype n msn... so if u wan just call mi or message mi at the moment...
therefore... tis period of time i will be cutting of all connection online k...
brb soon on msn...;)PS:wanted to blog tis post since last wk!!!
but becos of the connection problems i encounted i mention eariler... i was not allow to post anyting on blog as well...
4:12 PM